

Practical Nursing graduates have success with licensure exam

In August 2022, we celebrated the graduation of our full- and part-time practical nursing programs, recognizing 63 graduates. Students in the full-time program were enrolled from August 2021 through August 2022; students in the part-time were enrolled from September 2020 through August 2022. After graduation from a practical nursing program, students have the option to apply for a Graduate Practical Nurse permit (GPN). With this permit, students can work as a GPN with supervision until [...]

By |February 21st, 2023|Categories: Adult Programs, Uncategorized|

GACTC inducts 72 students into the National Technical Honor Society

On Feb. 8 the Greater Altoona Career & Technology Center (GACTC) inducted 72 students into the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS), an educational nonprofit that honors, recognizes, and empowers students and teachers in career and technical education. In order to be eligible for membership in the NTHS, the student's previous year grades need to average a 93% or higher at the GACTC, and 85% or higher at their sending school. They are also required [...]

By |February 14th, 2023|Categories: High School Programs, Student Honors & Activities|

Financial Aid 101 webinar to focus on options for financing career training

The GACTC adult education office and the Blair County CareerLink have collaborated to provide a free webinar focusing on financial aid for individuals considering postsecondary (college and career training) education. During the webinar, the GACTC financial aid coordinator will review the basics of the financial aid process, types of funding, and next steps. The free webinar will be offered at 12 pm EST on the following dates in 2023: February 10 April 14 June 9 [...]

By |February 9th, 2023|Categories: Adult Programs, GACTC News|

GACTC students excel in District 7 SkillsUSA competition

Twenty-one GACTC students medaled in the recent SkillsUSA District Competition, which was held at the Blair County Convention Center, Stuckey's Automotive, Carpenter's Union, and Roundhouse.SkillsUSA is a career and technical student organization serving more than 395,000 members every year enrolled in trade, technical, and skilled service training programs across the country. Gold medalists and Straight to State competitors will advance to the state competition in Hershey, which is set for April 12-14.  NameCompetitionSchoolGradeSheri NixonAdvertising and [...]

By |January 23rd, 2023|Categories: High School Programs, Student Honors & Activities|

GACTC offers credits towards postsecondary programs to career & technology students

Through an initiative of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the Students Occupationally and Academically Ready (SOAR) program provides opportunities for secondary students that complete a career and technical program to earn credit towards related postsecondary credentials at participating postsecondary institutions. The GACTC recently received approval for two SOAR agreements, adding to existing articulation agreements the GACTC offers high school and adult students. Students that successfully complete the Health Occupations program at the GACTC or another [...]

By |December 22nd, 2022|Categories: Adult Programs, Uncategorized|
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