Student Honors & Activities

GACTC recognizes 247 seniors in Senior Ceremony

The Greater Altoona Career & Technology Center (GACTC) held its Senior Ceremony on May 19 at the Blair County Convention Center, honoring all 247 seniors finishing programs of study at the GACTC. Students, families, school board members, and GACTC faculty were in attendance, along with sending school superintendents, principals, assistant principals, and counselors. Photo gallery of the event The seniors honored were: Altoona Area High School: Madison Adelsberger Darion Amos-Burchfield Anastazia Barschefski Logan Bartlebaugh Piper Bastian Isabella Baughman Dylan Baughman Lucas Berkheimer Savannah Blazer Samantha Boose Mackenzie Brandt Ariana Brewer Jacob Bumberger Esther Butler Anthony Campagna Nathaniel Carnell Andan Clingerman James [...]

GACTC recognizes 247 seniors in Senior Ceremony2022-05-26T10:19:27-04:00

GACTC student and former student recognized with Governor’s Achievement Awards

(Hershey, PA): Cameron Piper (right) and Aaron Bucher were recognized with Governor's Achievement Awards at the PA Workforce Development Association Conference in Hershey on May 5. The Governor's Achievement Award is presented to jobseekers who have put forth extraordinary personal effort to use resources provided through the workforce development system to reach an employment and/or education goal. Through the use of supports at the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, PA CareerLink, Skills, and other state-funded organizations, Piper and Bucher have secured and maintained competitive employment. Cameron Piper, who is an Hollidaysburg High School senior completing the Service Occupations at the GACTC this [...]

GACTC student and former student recognized with Governor’s Achievement Awards2022-05-16T13:01:50-04:00

GACTC honors outstanding seniors in Senior Awards

The Greater Altoona Career & Technology Center (GACTC) held its annual Senior Awards banquet yesterday (May 12), honoring the school's top senior students. Students who received scholarships, awards, and the “Senior of the Year” award in their respective programs were honored. Selected by each program's teacher, the Senior of the Year exhibits outstanding qualities of success in skills as well as attitude and work ethic. The event was held at the school at 6:00 pm. The honored students are: Altoona High School: Logan Bartlebaugh Jacob Bumberger Ian Cox Hannah Driscoll Tayten Eversole Dakota Fitzwater Ty Friedenberger Brandan Garcia Caitlin Harshberger Cheyenne [...]

GACTC honors outstanding seniors in Senior Awards2022-05-12T10:44:59-04:00

16 GACTC students compete in state SkillsUSA competition

Sixteen GACTC students competed in the 54th state SkillsUSA State Competition, which was held on Apr. 6-8 in Hershey with more than 1400 students, advisors, and administrators from career and technology schools across the state. To qualify to participate, GACTC students had to have earned Gold Medals at the District 7 SkillsUSA competition, which was held in January at the Blair County Convention Center. SkillsUSA is a career and technical student organization serving more than 395,000 members every year enrolled in trade, technical, and skilled service training programs across the country. Three GACTC students medaled in the state competition (pictured). They [...]

16 GACTC students compete in state SkillsUSA competition2022-04-14T09:55:15-04:00

GACTC inducts 51 students into the National Technical Honor Society

Yesterday the Greater Altoona Career & Technology Center (GACTC) inducted 51 students into the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS), an educational nonprofit that honors, recognizes, and empowers students and teachers in career and technical education. The students include: Anastazia Barschefski, Culinary, Altoona Mikylaah Bauman, Cosmetology, Claysburg Garrett Baumgartner, Carpentry, Altoona Cody Becker, Computer Programming, Central Jarrin Butler, Computer & Networking Technology, Central Devan Chrisawn, Graphic Design, Claysburg Hawke Claycomb, Culinary Arts, Claysburg Ian Cox, Electro Mechanical Engineering Technology, Altoona Arrhen Gathagan, Computer Programming, Bellwood Rebecca Gondek, Multimedia & Web Design, Altoona Rhaya Gority, Cosmetology, Tyrone Aiden Gregg, Computer & Networking Technology, [...]

GACTC inducts 51 students into the National Technical Honor Society2022-04-14T09:42:43-04:00

GACTC students excel at SkillsUSA District Competition on Jan. 19

Fourteen students at the GACTC won medals in the district SkillsUSA District Competition, which was held on Jan. 19 at the Blair County Convention Center. Some 260 students from 10 career and technology schools across the district took part in the competition. SkillsUSA is a career and technical student organization serving more than 395,000 members every year enrolled in trade, technical, and skilled service training programs across the country. The GACTC's winning students are: Name Grade Sending School Competition Place Kayla Delozier 10 Altoona Architectural Drafting 3rd Morgan Newberry 12 Altoona Cabinetmaking 1st Garrett Baumgartner 11 Altoona Carpentry 1st Brenna Cokrlic [...]

GACTC students excel at SkillsUSA District Competition on Jan. 192022-02-01T15:10:39-05:00

GACTC students excel in Carnegie Science Center competition

Secondary students at the Greater Altoona Career & Technology Center (GACTC) recently placed in the top eight teams at the National Engineers Week Chain Reaction Contraption Contest at the Carnegie Science Center of Pittsburgh. The annual contest is designed to foster an interest in engineering by challenging students to create a machine that will accomplish a specific task in at least 20 steps. In 2021, the task was “turn the page.” Each team submits preliminary design drawings for their contraption (which can be no larger than 2'X3'X5'), project progress photos/videos, and reports to document their contraption's evolution, then presents their contraptions [...]

GACTC students excel in Carnegie Science Center competition2022-02-01T15:11:09-05:00


The GACTC cares — about our students and their families. Each year the GACTC Cares Committee works with faculty to find areas where a little extra help might go a long way for the families of our students. Throughout the school year, funds are raised through faculty “dress down” days, anonymous donations and other creative events. The most recognizable part of this program happens around the holidays, when a tree filled with ornaments recognizing select students' needs is erected, allowing GACTC staff members to select an item to personally fulfill. When the holiday break arrives, the Cares Committee collects the remaining [...]

GACTC Cares2022-02-01T15:11:21-05:00

Callie Dunmire places 5th in the national SkillsUSA competition

(Altoona, PA): Callie Dunmire, a student who completed the Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center (GACTC) Visual Arts Technologies program in 2021, recently placed fifth in a national SkillsUSA Championships in the category of Advertising Design. The competition took place at the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference, which was held virtually from June 14-24. Callie Dunmire, student from Greater Altoona Career and Technology Center, and SkillsUSA competitor SkillsUSA is a career and technical student organization serving more than 395,000 members every year enrolled in trade, technical, and skilled service training programs across the country. The annual SkillsUSA Championships [...]

Callie Dunmire places 5th in the national SkillsUSA competition2022-02-01T15:12:06-05:00
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