When the Altoona Area School District cancels, GACTC classes are also cancelled and will be made-up as specified on the school calendar. (Check the school calendar for snow make-up days.)This includes full-time adult education classes and Practical Nursing classes, as well as the Partnership Dental Clinic for children. Listen to TV and radio announcements concerning night school and other evening events scheduled in the facility.
In this case, all administrative and support staff members are expected to report as soon as possible to their regular starting time, and a non-student day schedule is in effect.
If the Altoona Area School District (or other school districts) delays the starting time, the GACTC will also delay to the starting time indicated by the Altoona Area School District.
In this case, all GACTC personnel will delay a maximum of one-half the announced delay time for students (i.e.; when student delay is two hours, staff will delay one hour.) Part-time Teacher Aides will delay to a starting time equal to the students (i.e.; when student delay is two hours, teacher aides will delay two hours.)
You are advised to check voicemail messages for up-to-date delays or cancellations. Please do not call for voice mail messages prior to 6:15 am to allow time for the message to be recorded.
The above policies do not apply to GACTC part-time evening classes or other classes held in the school by St. Francis, Penn State, etc., which will be notified of any closing via radio and/or television announcements. You may call 814-946-8450 for phone messages on school delays or cancellations.